A Doctor Who review podcast featuring Kyle (The Nerdist, Doctor Who: The Writer's Room) and Steven (Radio Free Skaro, Lazy Doctor Who) and their immediate reactions to randomly selected Doctor Who stories.
The Memory Cheats #3

The Wheel of Fortune selects the first missing story for Josh and Steven to try to recall in the form of the William Hartnell comedy The Myth Makers. Without any solid visual material to draw from, how will your intrepid hosts fare this week?



Visit our website at http://www.thememorycheats.libsyn.com


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Direct download: dwtmc3.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 11:00am MDT

  • Thanks Matthew. There will definitely be more memory cheating to come. :)

    posted by: Josh Zimon on 2012-04-06 14:00:49

  • Best episode yet! The show finally lived up to its title.

    posted by: Matthew on 2012-03-29 18:44:18

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