A Doctor Who review podcast featuring Kyle (The Nerdist, Doctor Who: The Writer's Room) and Steven (Radio Free Skaro, Lazy Doctor Who) and their immediate reactions to randomly selected Doctor Who stories.
The Memory Cheats #73

Episode #73 of Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats! In this episode, we discuss...

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Direct download: dwtmc73.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 11:00am MDT

  • I am so upset with you both right now, I know I have been drinking but this was a great story way better then the planet of evil and the brain of morbius. Josh you love this one yet you let Steven talk shit about it and agree with him. He likes time and the roni for Gods sake.. This is one of the best from time!!

    posted by: Christopher Carlettini on 2013-08-02 06:18:11

  • bueno

    posted by: pablo on 2013-08-02 03:54:30

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